Thursday, February 10, 2011

Graham Cracker Barns

Every few Thursdays Keresa goes to some girl party with her bffs. Who knows what they do or how it could be fun, but all I know is as soon as she walks out the door, the kids look at me and say, "What fun thing are we going to do tonight for Daddy-Daughter-Son-Son?!" Usually the fun has to wait until we put Carter to bed. So then it becomes Daddy-Daughter-Son.

I thought we were making graham cracker houses. But the kids let me know since we had no ginger bread guys, they couldn't be houses. We did have animal crackers, so they must be graham cracker barns.

Dad made one

Whistle while you work

This is harder than it looks

The whole setup

Jackson said, "I'm going to have some pets!"

"Doesn't mine look cool with all these sprinkles?!"

"DAD! Jackson used all the sprinkles!"

(but she cheered right up when I told her we would eat them)

She learned on Ratatouille to close her eyes so she could see all the flavors

"The milk melts the glue and the cracker!"

Trying to figure out why it tastes SO GOOD!

So go have your girl parties, and do whatever it is you do, because we have a so much fun at Daddy-Daughter-Son.

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