Thursday, July 28, 2011

Help me out!

McKay's been hinting that he wants a new suit.  
Not just any suit.
One of these.

I told him he has to be somewhat, no, A LOT cowboyish to wear a cowboyish suit. 
McKay is not cowboyish.
I told him once we have a couple horses, and he actually rides them...then he can get his cowboy suit.

Who's with me?
Or who thinks I should let the man wear what he wants to court...?
(I'm still not sure if this is a joke McKay's playing on me to get me all riled up...)


Grandpa n Grandma Whitney said...

I much prefer this western look to the vintage leopard skin pimp suit.

Jacob said...

He has to earn a suit like that. Has he won a few big cases yet? If so, it is his right. I'm going to grow a small mullet after I win a couple cases.

Angie said...

Don't do it McKay, you lost that right when you moved to a big city!

Bryan Gifford said...

The top one actually doesn't look too bad...

Jamie said...

Tell him he is welcome to get one and pick it out himself, but you will pick the store for him and let him choose between Savers and DI. You know they have them there. That way you don't spend big bucks on a suit that might just be for a joke anyway.

Me said...

pretty expensive once you buy the belt buckle, boots, and hat form fitted to his head. . . . gotta go all the way right.

Megan said...

If he's going for the Matlock look, the first one would work. Minus the hat, and plus the head of gray hair.

Those Whitney boys sure do have their own sense of style, don't they?

I'm with Jamie - send him to DI or Savers! Or do they still have that old folks' swap meet? ;)