Tuesday, April 28, 2009

10 Weeks and Counting

I hit my 10 week mark on Saturday and went in today for an ultrasound. Boy was I happy to see a baby in there. ;-) The pictures they printed out for me were very poor quality and I'm afraid I'm the only one who can stand to look at them, but here are some images I found online that look like our little one. The baby was moving around like crazy and everything measured right on schedule. My official due date is November 21st, but since it will be c-section we're looking around November 12th...does that date sound familiar Dad? My sickness has lightened up a little bit and will hopefully be gone as I finish up this first trimester. Life is good and we'll be headed for Vegas in three days which makes it even better!


Jeremy & Chaundra Strickland said...


Whitney Baldwin said...

Congrats you guys! You make beautiful babies! I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well.

Megan said...

hooray for babies! :) I loved that feeling of relief to find out that there was really a baby inside of me and I didn't just have some random illness!

Blissful & Domestic said...

so cute and i am so excited for you and how fun that Sydney got to come with you to the appointment